Seoktanju 2

Homebrew #09 – Seoktanju 2

This is my second (or is it third?) stab at making Seoktanju, and if you remember from my post Homebrew #06, you know that I haven’t had a good track record with this recipe. A pichia yeast infestation forced me to pitch four liters of sool last go around. It was an unquantifiable melange of…

Duru Samseon Takju

Sool #69 – Duru Samseon Takju

KOREAN NAME: 두루 삼선 탁주 REVIEW: I first came across Duru Brewery at the 15th Seoul International Wines & Spirits Expo. One sip of their sool and I knew I had found my new brewery of the con. Based in Hongcheon, Gangwon-do, Duru Brewery is in good company; two Takjoo Journals favorites—Midam Brewery and Ye-sul Brewery—also…